Monday, February 25, 2013

John Paul Kilner

Read this article and you will be inspired on the dignity and purpose of every single life!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reclaiming Humanity

Take a moment to watch this simple yet powerful video from January 15th of Capitol Hill testimony to reclaim the humanity of what abortion does:

Reclaiming the Human Center of the Abortion Debate

Friday, February 15, 2013

Eucharistic Procession for Life

A Eucharistic Procession like this one
will be sponsored by St. Agnes Catholic
Church in Catonsville, MD.
As part of the Lenten "40 Days For Life" campaign, an outdoor Eucharistic Procession will be held in Catonsville, MD from St. Agnes Catholic Church to the Hillcrest Abortion Facility on Saturday, March 2nd following the 8:00am Mass.  Contact St. Agnes Catholic Church at 410.744.2900 or visit for further details.