Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"In The Womb" - National Geographic DVD

National Geographic has produced a video entitled, "In The Womb", which it describes as follows:

From the moment of conception, every human embryo embarks on an incredible nine-month journey of development. Now, cutting-edge technology makes it possible for us to open a window into the hidden world of the fetus and explore each trimester in amazing new detail. Revolutionary 3D and 4D ultrasound imagery sheds light on the delicate, dark world of a fetus as never before and follows a rare fetoscope operation, performed in utero with the hope of correcting life threatening complications before birth.

What a powerful tool for LIFE!  You can watch a preview of it here.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Ultrasound Saves Lives!

LifeNews.com reports that ultrasound legislation is responsible for a 30% decrease in abortions within a year!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Is a Fetus a Person? Doctors Say Yes!

Is the fetus a person?  Doctors with The Society for Pediatric Anesthesia say it is.  The Society specifically notes that, "Anesthesia for fetal surgery involves two patients simultaneously."

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Do a 180 in 33 Minutes!

According to the website for the movie, "180", this is "33 minutes that will rock your world!"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

40 Miles for Life - ADOPTION IS AN OPTION!

Not every expectant mother finds herself able to raise her child.

Not every couple finds themselves able to have a child.

Happily for both, adoption is an option!

As adoptive parents, we are strong believers in honoring God's gift of life through the gift of adoption.  "Adoption Is An Option!" is our motto.  Timed to coincide with the nationwide "40 Days for Life" campaign, we are pleased to announce our first ever "40 Miles for Life" race on Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 7:00 a.m.

The run is scheduled to be held during the first weekend of the fall "40 Days for Life" campaign.  We will be running 40 miles from the abortion clinic in Frederick, Maryland (the one near Frederick Memorial Hospital) to the National Shrine Grotto of Lourdes at Mount St. Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

This run is a completely independent endeavor.  We do not have a race coordinator nor support stations.  Please prepare for this run by providing your own supplies and support crew.

If you are interested in coordinating this race, expanding its enrollment, providing race support, or publicizing it, please feel welcome to contact us at FortyMilesForLife@hotmail.com.

If you are interested in duplicating this race in your own city or town, please feel welcome to contact us at FortyMilesForLife@hotmail.com.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

From the Mouths of Babes...

A dear friend of ours is the wonderful mother of five beautiful children, from elementary school to college age.  She also is from Brooklyn, New York, which makes her one of the most direct, no-nonsense people I know.

Her children, evidently, have inherited this fine quality, as she learned this week at the local July 4th parade.  As she tells it:

"Our youngest son [in third grade] had a great moment on Wednesday morning explaining the parade to my husband's niece, who was visiting from England.  He told her as the parade went by that there are some people we cheer (e.g. - policemen, firemen, veterans) and some we boo (e.g. - politicians).  But, he noted, there is one lady that everybody boos, because she likes abortion.

"Then he turned to my husband's niece and said, 'What about you?  Do you like abortion?  What's your opinion?'

"Truly I don't think she ever had thought about it before, but she will now!  From the mouths of babes...."

Never underestimate the quiet, simple, yet monumental impact YOU can make for LIFE, both on those who fall under your tutelage AND on "just" those with whom you briefly come into contact!